
Showing posts from August, 2022

Wood Sculpture 1

  Artist Statement:      I originally wanted to make a diamond-shaped chain, but created a unique form as I continued my design process. As I began to cut my woods angles and then into halves, I realized that a chain would feel too simple to me. I decided to experiment in stacking my work and ended up with my final piece. I rounded my diamonds and sanded the wood down so that my object would feel softer. Wood is a hard material, so I wanted to challenge that pointy feeling. I also included my in progress images to show the various ways I was considering to nail my art in the final form. I photographed my final piece from different angles to show that there is not one way to set up my work. I prefer to view art from various angles and be able to touch the work too. I wanted to encourage this in my work, which is why there are so many ways to balance the piece.