
Showing posts from September, 2021

Touch Response

Sun Kissed and Star Photograph Series 10.377"  × 11.52" and 27.083"x36" "It's our outer shell that seems to fear cold most, acting as a sentry on perpetual watch. Receptors for warmth lie deeper in the skin, and there are fewer of them."  -Diane Ackerman, A Natural History of the Senses , p.89 Statement:       My photographs ties in with the quote I found from Ackermans' section, 'The Inner Climate.' I took inspiration from the idea that the warmth lies deep and there are few of the receptors. My models 'outer shell' or skin is being hit lightly by the sun. The tiny, bright spots of sun are lightly kissing her skin. Almost as if you could feel the warmth hitting her skin through the picture. She is glancing at where the heat is coming from in a seemingly appreciative way. The sun is light and inviting and her skin seems to be taking that in. I used a strainer to make the dots and gave the photos a black and white filter for a more

A Few Of My Favorite Things

  1. Perfume. My favorite scent is vanilla. I try to get this specific perfume or things vanilla scented as I am reminded of home. 2. Planner. I get a new planner every year. Writing my to-do list down physically helps me to stay organized and remember what is due and when. 3. Glasses. I, unfortunately, cannot see very far, so I love my glasses. They let me see things more clearly and I have them on me almost every single day. 4. Pen. Writing is a big part of my life as I am able to describe how I feel or simply write about something random. The pen is also a nice lilac color.  5. Seashell. Shells remind me of the ocean, which I am fascinated with. They also remind me of my family as they love the beach.  6. Key. Keys have always been interesting to me, they hold the power to unlock or re-lock various items. They help me remember that there is always another option and things are unique, like keys.  7. Ring. I try to wear rings every day. I find them fun to wear and think they help wit

Art 21 Response

Image  I watched Abigail DeVille's video. Two words I feel best describe DeVille's work are empowering and hopeful. Below are two images I found of DeVille's work and the links to where I found them. Under each image is two elements/principles of art and design.  (second image down)  (first image down) Color. This piece contains a boat filled with fake arms and legs, which seem to have a certain color scheme. There is blue splattered over various limbs, which helps guide the viewers' eyes across the boat.  Balance. The limbs are all sticking out in different directions, yet an arch-like top can be envisioned around the piece. The art feels balanced due to the angles and placements of each limb.      Lines. The painted lines on the left-bottom side help guide my eyes up through the piece. They lead me around the work and into

Elements and Principles

Repetition Graham Caldwell Repetition Personal Photo